6407 South Virginia Street, Reno, NV, USA
Pier 1 Imports
Sierra Trading Post
Whole Foods
Home Depot
Estimated Pricing
This will be the first time in many years that this 31,000 (sub-dividable/expandable) sq ft anchor commercial space will be available when the tenant vacates the retail space at this prime signalized intersection of Neil Road and South Virginia Street across from the only Whole Foods Market in all of Northern Nevada. This shopping center benefits from its quick access from Highway 580 being less than 10 seconds from the highway offramp to the front door. That along with the prestigious development, Rancharrah, with 600 new high end homes under development less than a mile away on the other side of the highway as well as the high-density apartments surrounding it, makes the Crossing Shopping Center ground zero for any business looking to expand in Northern Nevada. This would be an ideal location for many uses. Check out this vacant shop for your brand's next pop up space! View this 2 minute informational video about The Crossing: https://youtu.be/6knRlRPGJM0
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